What Does a Dentist Do? What To Expect During A Routine Checkup

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Why do I need to go to the dentist if I brush and floss my teeth regularly? What exactly does a dentist do? Brushing and flossing alone aren’t enough to keep your teeth healthy. Regular dental examinations, in addition to proper oral hygiene, help to prevent most tooth disorders. Dental x-rays, cancer screenings, oral exams, scaling, and polishing, fluoride, sealants, and oral care instruction are things that the Dentist will provide you at the clinic.

Oral Examination

A dental hygienist or dentist will check teeth during a routine visit and look for signs of poor oral hygiene. Their purpose is to identify any prospective areas for treatment, such as:

  • Detection of decay: The Dentist will check whether there is any tooth decay. They’ll also check for any softening of tooth enamel. 
  • Check your gums: Your dentist will measure the pockets surrounding your teeth to see whether any bone has got damaged because of gum disease.
  • Bite evaluation: To preserve your oral health, the dentist will examine your bite and search for any red flags.
  • Teeth development check (for children): The repeated usage of Dentists or dental hygienists can be avoided. Closely monitor a child’s teeth development and eruption pattern to provide orthodontic referrals if necessary.

Dental X-Rays

At regular check-ups, routine dental X-rays are taken. They come in handy as they can detect cavities between your teeth. They can also tell you about the health and height of the supporting bone that surrounds your teeth. They also show the dentist the position of a child’s developing teeth.

Dental X-rays come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Your dentist will take a call as to which X-ray would be suitable for your ailment.

Oral Cancer Screening

Oral cancer screening is another essential service provided by dentists. Early detection of Cancer becomes much critical as there is maximum chances of providing better treatment.

Your dentist will use gauze to hold your tongue during the screening and then evaluate your tongue and mouth for any indications or symptoms. 

Scaling and polishing

Dentists advise that you should clean your teeth regularly to keep your gum tissue healthy and prevent periodontal disease. Doctors will use instruments to remove any hardened plaque (called tartar). They’ll then use a specific paste to remove stains and polish the enamel of your teeth. They might floss your teeth as well. 

Home Care Instruction

The usage of a Dental hygienist or dentist regularly can be avoided through your precise home care instructions. This includes brushing and flossing strategies that are both effective and efficient. It may also contain food and nutrition suggestions that are tailored to your dental health. Asking inquiries regarding your dental health at this time is usually a good idea! Just inquire if you have any questions concerning your oral health.

You now have a fair concept of what happens during a regular dental visit. You know what to expect from the oral exam to the sealant treatment. Visiting the dentist regularly is critical to maintaining good dental health. It will not only clean your teeth, but it will also provide you with X-rays, a general oral exam, as well as an oral cancer exam, and maybe fluoride and sealants. So, if it’s been a while, make an appointment with your dentist right away. It will be beneficial to your teeth!