Is Sugar Free Gum Good For My Smile?

Chewing gum, which originated in ancient societies, is popular for more than just its minty freshness. Whether you use gum to quell anxiety, freshen your breath or simply out of boredom, you may wonder about the effects that chewing gum has on your teeth. These effects have been debated for years, but your San Jose dentist is here to set the record straight.


Is sugar free gum different than sugar-containing gum? 
You should avoid chewing sugar-containing gum. Chewing gum can increase the flow of saliva in the mouth, having a positive effect on plaque acids. While sugar-containing gum has this effect on saliva flow, the sugar itself can cause decay, just like the sugar in a cookie or cola. Sugar-free gum is sweetened with non-sugar sweeteners, which are not known to cause decay.

Are some sugar-free gums better than others? 
The American Dental Association actually gives its seal of approval to some chewing gums. ADA-approved gums, however, only include the sugar-free variety. These gums are sweetened with, for example, xylitol, sorbitol or maltitol, which studies show do not cause tooth decay.

When should chewing gum be avoided? 
You should avoid chewing gum if you have certain dental appliances such as traditional braces, bridges or crowns, as they can become loosened or dislodged, or gum can get stuck in or under them. You should also avoid chewing gum if you suffer from jaw-related conditions like TMJ, as it could make the condition even worse.

Is chewing sugar free gum good for my smile? 
While there are mild benefits to chewing gum, it is certainly not vital to the upkeep of your teeth. It can stimulate saliva flow, helping your mouth to naturally wash away plaque acid, but statistics show that chewing gum does not produce significant results. Just because chewing gum has a few beneficial effects, it should never replace brushing or flossing. The best way to keep your smile healthy and happy is with a committed dental hygiene routine and regular dental appointments and cleanings to catch and treat problems and plaque buildup early.

Whether you have questions about chewing gum, your teeth or scheduling a routine dental checkup, The Dental Dimensions in San Jose, CA is here to help. Call (408) 225-6815 to schedule an appointment today!

May 31 is World No Tobacco Day!

From your lungs to your skin to your teeth, smoking affects many aspects of your body. On May 31, 2014, there’s no time like the present to kick the habit and start on the path to stop smoking for good.
World No Tobacco Day is an effort from the World Health Organization to stop the more than 6 million deaths from tobacco use and secondhand smoke around the world. At The Dental Dimensions, Dr. Shetty and our entire South San Jose, CA dentist staff have an interest in keeping you smoke-free: It makes your teeth healthier too.
Smoking is associated with a number of dental problems. This includes tooth discoloration, increased risk for plaque and tartar, increased risk for gum disease and affected healing after a gum injury. If you smoke, you also are at increased for oral cancer, which can have deadly effects. All forms of nicotine use can result in harmful side effects, including smokeless tobacco products, which contain cancer-causing substances called carcinogens that can contribute to dental decay and harm.
In addition to improving your oral health, quitting smoking improves your health in general. From breathing better to reduced risk for lung cancer, quitting today or on World No Tobacco Day can make a world of difference in your health.
If you have tried to quit before, but were unsuccessful, we recommend calling the California Smokers’ Helpline at 1-800-NO-BUTTS. The helpline also offers language lines in Vietnamese, Spanish, Cantonese/Mandarin and Korean.
At our South San Jose, CA dentist office, Dr. Shetty and staff want to celebrate and encourage your decision and consideration in quitting smoking. Sometimes the first step is simply making the decision to make a change. By joining with people all around the globe to give up smoking, you are doing something for your health and to protect the health of those around you who could breathe in secondhand smoke.
For more information or to make an appointment at The Dental Dimension in San Jose, please call (408) 225-6815.

Reasons for Tooth Extraction

Why is Teeth Extraction Necessary?

If a tooth has been damaged by trauma or decay, your San Jose dentist will try to restore the tooth with a filling, crown or root canal. In many cases, these procedures are successful in saving the tooth, but if enough tooth structure has been destroyed to render the tooth unsalvageable, extracting the tooth may be the only other option.
Dental Implants1
Other common reasons for the removal of teeth include:
  • Tooth is very loose
  • Baby teeth or extra teeth in the mouth are blocking other teeth from growing in
  • To make room for orthodontic treatment and the shifting of teeth
  • Abscessed tooth
  • Teeth have become infected as a result an underlying medical condition that weakens the immune system; medical treatment; or organ transplants
  • Impacted or problematic wisdom teeth

Types of Extractions

There are two types of extractions performed: simple and surgical.  Simple extractions involve removing a tooth that can be seen in the mouth using a local anesthetic.  Your San Jose dentist will gently loosen the tooth so that it can be removed from the mouth.
Surgical extractions are used during more complex procedures, such as when a tooth is broken off at the gum line or has not grown into the mouth yet.  Because most surgical extractions involve a small incision in the gum, it is often performed by an oral surgeon and the patient is administered a general anesthesia.
Preserving and saving a patient’s natural tooth is always the main goal for a dentist, but in some cases, it is not always possible. Thanks to advances in modern dentistry, a patient has many options for replacing their tooth following extraction including dental implants, dentures and bridges—all of which produce a beautiful, natural smile.